The priesthood of all believers is a fundamental characteristic of Churches of Christ. What it means is that ALL people have the role of priests in the church. That is we are all called to be listening to God, using our skills for building up the church and sharing the gospel with others
In the traditional church, the authority of God rested with the priest or pastor. We believe that this is contrary to what scripture teaches about the church being a body in which every part works together and Christ is the head (1 Corinthians 12:12-26)
What this means in the everyday life of the church is that every person’s contribution is valued according to their skills. The elders and Pastor are there to assist people to reach their potential and to test their calling by Spirit.
This all sounds very good and positive but in reality, we often fail at doing this. There are times when people who come forward are not supported or encouraged in their ideas. We as a church need to be much more focussed on recognising the spirit at work in others and assisting them to realise their vision.
The idea of the priesthood of all believers remains our goal and we will continue to pursue it.