For more information on any of these activities use the contact form to send us a request

GLOW Sunday School
GLOW is a safe place for children to learn actively about their faith. It runs fortnightly on Sundays during church. At the moment it is for primary-aged children.

Girls’ Brigade
Girls’ Brigade: every Tuesday evening in term time at 6:30 pm and is a place where girls can learn and be together in a safe environment. For more information

Take Courage
A place for women to learn and share together. Occurs on the last Thursday of the month at 10:30 am. The cost is $2 for morning tea.

Men’s Fellowship
Meets irregularly to organise games evenings, visits to museums, and a yearly camp.

Know your Bible
Meets: Wednesday morning at the church at 10am or Monday nights in homes to study the Bible together.

Triple C
Meets on 10 am Monday morning at the church for people to share love of crafts and enjoy one another’s company. (Weekly donation of $2 for morning tea.)

Study Groups
Small study groups meet in different locations to share, grow and learn together.

Emergency Relief: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 10.00 am-12.00 noon – (see eligibility) more information . . .
Tuesday: Food@Five, 5.00-6.00 pm
Oasis Clothing Op Shop: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 9.30 am-12.30 pm
Cafe: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 9.00 am-11.30 am